Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.
Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.
The Spanish confiscation (Desamortización española) law, authorizing the government of Spain to steal the property and lands of the Catholic Church, a popular enlightenment and Reformation despoliation that happened in many places, was repealed.
The barbarity had been in place since 1766.
Amongst other things, the law resulted in millions of acres of forest falling into private hands, being deforested, with the cost of reforestation exceeding the value of their sales. The confiscations of the 19th Century were one of the biggest environmental disasters in Iberian history.
The Supreme Court of Hungary confiscated the property of former president Mihály Károlyi for high treason. He had been convicted of negotiating with Italy in 1915 to keep the Italians out of World War One in exchange for Austrian territory, and for allowing a communist revolution to happen in 1919 by deserting his position.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Blog Mirror: This is why we can't have nice things. This National Crime.
This is why we can't have nice things.
I think, sometimes could be real. The battle for land and people owning that agricultural landscape. The pretty views that we have, the clean water that comes with it, the beautiful tall grass that’s waving in the wind. I mean, they want to buy it because they like that. And then they put a house on every 40 that we used to run cows on.
Montana rancher commenting on a big influx of people into Montana because of the claptrap soap opera, Yellowstone.
It's not just Yellowstone, the moronic dipshit Western melodrama that has caused this, by the way. A River Runs Through It, which is one of my favorite movies, had the same effect, as well as making fly fishing something that locals just did, along with using spinning rods, into some sort of elite yuppie thing in some quarters.
Here's the thing. A lot of it has a lot to do with the lack of proper land use laws in the US. Large blocks of land really shouldn't be owned as huge yards for hobbyist or the wealthy, but for agricultural production. Agricultural land shouldn't be owned by anyone other than those who work it. People who admire the wilderness, of any type, ought not to be building houses on it.
Friday, December 13, 2024
If people can wait until goose season is over. . .
I'm sure I know of a solution for the East Coast mystery drones. . .
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: Friday, December 12, 1924. Soviet Gun Control.
Friday, December 12, 1924. Soviet Gun Control.
The Central Executive Committee of the USSR issued a decree prohibiting the possession of almost all firearms, with the exception of shotguns for hunting, although much hunting in much of Russia, which was fairly common, was in fact done with rifles by necessity.
Following 1933, the penalty for violation was five years imprisonment. In 1935 knives were added to the list.
During World War Two the ban was expanded with all firearms being required to be turned over to the state, although following the war, the USSR was awash in captured German weapons.
Presently, rifles may be registered for hunting.
The USSR/Russia we might note, shares this status with Ireland, in being a country whose freedom, if you will, was brought about through the private exercise of arms, that then went around banning them. In the USSR's case it isn't too surprising, as armed resistance against the Communists continued on into the 1930s in some areas and revived during the Second World War, to continue on until nearly 1950 after the war.
Truly, there's a lesson here.
The first issue of the weekly Saudi Arabian newspaper Umm Al-Qura, the official newspaper of the Saudi government, was published
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Friday, December 6, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: Tuesday, December 6, 1774. Powers of the Crown.
Tuesday, December 6, 1774. Powers of the Crown.
Massachusetts was holding a provincial congress.
King Carlos III of Spain issued a royal order forbidding hunting and fishing in the forest of Balsain, which was reserved for royal amusement.
Sounds familiar.
Last edition:
Friday, November 18, 1774. Ellis and his island.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: Friday, November 20, 1914. James Jordan's buck.
Friday, November 20, 1914. James Jordan's buck.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: 2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 2. What's going on? Burgum at the Interior.
2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 2. What's going on?
November 15, 2024
Doug Burgum, Secretary of the Interior.
This is again an interesting choice. Only 3.9% of North Dakota is Federal land. However, users of Federal land in the West might take some cautious optimism out of this as Western politicians, completely contrary to the views of those they serve, have taken on the land grabbing mindset illustrated by Utah's effort to grab Federal lands in court, which has been sadly supported by Wyoming.
Last edition:
2024 Election Post Mortem, Part I. What the heck happened?
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: St. Hubert
Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: St. Hubert: 55 miles south of Buffalo is the mission church of St. Hubert's. Located near Sussex WY, Mass has been celebrated around these parts sin...
I've been so busy I missed St. Hubert's saint day.
St. Hubert is the patron saint of hunters, and I usually note the day.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: Friday Farming. The vehicles that changed the West.
Friday Farming. The vehicles that changed the West.
Lex Anteinternet: World War Two U.S. Vehicle Livery: National Museum...:
Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Work Truck Blog: The play truck. Dodge "Power Wagon".
The play truck. Dodge "Power Wagon".
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
The nature themed tattoo
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Southern Rockies Nature Blog: How the Swiss Army Knife Will Hypnotise You
Friday, October 25, 2024
Lex Anteinternet: A complete betrayal of the people of Wyoming.
A complete betrayal of the people of Wyoming.
Wyoming Joins Idaho, Alaska in Support of Utah’s Federal Public Lands Claim
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon has announced that the State of Wyoming has filed an amicus brief in support of Utah on their federal public lands claims pending before the US Supreme Court. Wyoming joined with the states of Idaho and Alaska, as well as the Arizona Legislature in the Amicus.
The Governor issued the following statement:
“Federal ownership of unappropriated land negatively impacts Western states’ ability to regulate local land uses. I consistently preach that the best land management policies are developed by those who live close to the lands. As we have seen with the Rock Springs and Buffalo Resource Management Plans, the whims of the current Administration can have immense impacts on the states where those lands are located.
The well-established legal principle of multiple-use of public lands is sacred to Wyoming citizens, and that concept is something we have lost in this era of Washington, DC constantly curtailing their uses. Wyoming believes it is essential for the states to be recognized as the primary authority when it comes to unappropriated lands within our borders. The Federal government’s indefinite retention of millions of acres of land is a critical question that impacts all Western states, which is why Wyoming has filed this amicus.”
The brief may be found here.
Utah is going to lose, and deserves to. There's no excuse whatsoever for Wyoming joining with Utah in this effort.
Wyoming politicians signing on to this land grabbing effort:
Governor Mark Gordon.
Congressman Harriet Hageman.
Bo Biteman (R-Ranchester), Brian Boner (R-Douglas),
Tim French (R-Powell), Larry Hicks (R-Baggs), Bob Ide (R-Casper), John Kolb (R-Rock Springs), Dan Laursen (R-Powell), Troy McKeown (R-Gillette), Tim Salazar (R-Riverton), Cheri Steinmetz (R-Lingle).
Bill Allemand (R-Midwest), John Bear (R-Gillette), Jeremy Haroldson (R-Wheatland), Scott Heiner (R-Green River), Ben Hornok (R-Cheyenne), Christopher Knapp (R-Gillette), Chip Neiman (R-Hulett), Pepper Ottman (R-Riverton), Sarah Penn (R-Lander), Rachel Rodriguez-Williams (R-Cody), Daniel Singh (R-Cheyenne), Allen Slagle (R-Newcastle), Scott Smith (R-Lingle), Tomi Strock (R-Douglas), Jeanette Ward (R-Casper), John Winter (R-Thermopolis)
Lex Anteinternet: A complete betrayal of the people of Wyoming.
A complete betrayal of the people of Wyoming.
Wyoming Joins Idaho, Alaska in Support of Utah’s Federal Public Lands Claim
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon has announced that the State of Wyoming has filed an amicus brief in support of Utah on their federal public lands claims pending before the US Supreme Court. Wyoming joined with the states of Idaho and Alaska, as well as the Arizona Legislature in the Amicus.
The Governor issued the following statement:
“Federal ownership of unappropriated land negatively impacts Western states’ ability to regulate local land uses. I consistently preach that the best land management policies are developed by those who live close to the lands. As we have seen with the Rock Springs and Buffalo Resource Management Plans, the whims of the current Administration can have immense impacts on the states where those lands are located.
The well-established legal principle of multiple-use of public lands is sacred to Wyoming citizens, and that concept is something we have lost in this era of Washington, DC constantly curtailing their uses. Wyoming believes it is essential for the states to be recognized as the primary authority when it comes to unappropriated lands within our borders. The Federal government’s indefinite retention of millions of acres of land is a critical question that impacts all Western states, which is why Wyoming has filed this amicus.”
The brief may be found here.
Utah is going to lose, and deserves to. There's no excuse whatsoever for Wyoming joining with Utah in this effort.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
The Agrarian's Lament: Lex Anteinternet: Just two weeks ago Congress passed a bill that included funding for FEMA
Just two weeks ago Congress passed a bill that included funding for FEMA.
Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true!
The hard right in Congress, including Wyoming's lone Congressman, voted against it. Voting against such bills has been really popular in the populist street level politics of Wyoming. And the hard right sees it as a way to force fiscal responsibility, as long as you don't want to be too cynical about it. It'd also handicap the government if it didn't pass, of course, which some long for.
Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Harriet Hageman voted in favor of H.R. 9494 - Continuing Appropriations and Other Matters Act, 2025 (CR) that would keep the federal government open through March 28, 2025 and include the SAVE Act. The SAVE Act, cosponsored by Rep. Hageman and passed earlier this year by the House of Representatives with bipartisan support, would require states to obtain proof of citizenship—in person—when registering an individual to vote and require states to remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls. The bill failed 220-202.Representative Hageman stated, “Safeguarding our election process is critically important, especially with the open border policies of the Biden-Harris administration that have allowed over 11 million illegals to enter our country. By including the SAVE Act with government funding and extending the funding into 2025, when Republicans have a strong chance of controlling the House, Senate, and White House, America wins. We will be able to craft responsible appropriations bills that slash wasteful spending, stop the current administration’s radical climate agenda, and eliminate woke DEI programs from federal agencies – at the same time, we can ensure that only American citizens vote in federal elections.
“I am disappointed that the House was unable to pass H.R. 9494 today. While Continuing Resolutions are never ideal, securing our elections and creating an opportunity to pass conservative spending bills in 2025 created a unique opportunity. I will not support a CR that fails to include the SAVE Act.”
Incident Period: - and continuingFire Management Assistance Declaration declared onIncident Period: - and continuingFire Management Assistance Declaration declared onIncident Period: - and continuingFire Management Assistance Declaration declared on
And quite frankly, there are going to be more to come.
The Elk Fire near Dayton and Sheridan is now up to 75,000 and is only 10% contained as of this morning. A forest fire broke out in this county yesterday afternoon.*
These fires aren't stopping until it snows, and daily temperatures are freakishly high for October.
Let's discuss subsidiarity.
Subsidiarity on this site is defined in the Catholic sense. It is an organizing principle that things (problems, matters, politics, economics) ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority.
Least centralized competent authority, not the least centralized authority.
The most centralized competent authority can indeed be the Federal government for large disasters, particularly multistate disasters, and ones which require large sums of money that cannot be locally obtained.
That latter is particularly the case for Wyoming.
We can't afford these disasters on our own. We can't afford to fight them. We can't address what they destroy.
Wyomingites are on social media right now complaining that the country is ignoring us. Well, attention works two ways.
This upcoming 2025 Legislature is likely to see the House controlled by the "Wyoming" Freedom Caucus. The "Wyoming" Freedom Caucus basically wants to give the Federal Government the middle finger salute. But nobody in the state wants to tell Washington "no thanks, you keep your FEMA, Highway, FAA money, we'll do it on our own".
There's a word for lashing out when you don't get what you want, and see yourself as the center of things.
A tantrum, angry outburst, temper tantrum, lash out, meltdown, fit, or hissy fit is an emotional outburst, usually associated with those in emotional distress. It is typically characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, violence, defiance, angry ranting, a resistance to attempts at pacification, and, in some cases, hitting and other physically violent behavior. Physical control may be lost; the person may be unable to remain still; and even if the "goal" of the person is met, they may not be calmed. Throwing a temper tantrum can lead to a child getting detention or being suspended from school for older school age children, and can result in a timeout or grounding, complete with room or corner time, at home. A tantrum may be expressed in a tirade: a protracted, angry speech.
“Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true!”, Aesop counseled, and for a reason. And Sappho counseled "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
And, of course:
Pride goes before disaster, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18.
We've been pretty proud here recently.
*A message from the Game and Fish:
Sheridan – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department advises hunters that the Elk Fire in Sheridan County continues to grow, impacting wildlife habitat and access to certain hunt areas.
Hunt areas impacted by the fire or associated public access closures are currently located within Elk Hunt Areas 37 and 38 and Deer Hunt Areas 24 and 25. This is an active fire situation and these areas may change. Game and Fish is maintaining a fire information page for hunters and updating it regularly.
As of Oct. 5, 2024, the following Access Yes areas have been closed until further notice:
- PK Lane Hunter Management Area.
Sheridan County Walk in Areas #8 and #12.
Game and Fish personnel are assisting public safety officials and fire suppression efforts as requested.
Personnel will assess impacts to Commission-owned properties and wildlife habitat when it is safe to do so.
Members of the public should be extra vigilant in watching for wildlife on roadways to avoid collisions, as animals may relocate to new areas where they usually aren’t expected.
Wildlife are generally adept at moving away from wildfires and the department has not received reports of injured animals at this time. Members of the public who see an injured animal can report the location to the Stop Poaching Hotline at 1-877-WGFD-TIP. The hotline operates 24 hours a day and reports are sent to the nearest wildlife manager to respond.
Hunters should consult the Bighorn National Forest website and Facebook page for the most current information on fire conditions and public access closures.
Other resources for information about the fire, current road closures and other impacts include the Sheridan County Emergency Management Department and Wyoming Department of Transportation.
Hunters can call the Sheridan Regional Office at 307-672-7418 for more information.
2020s, 2024, Aesop, Disaster, Donald Trump, Government, Politics, Populism, Sic transit Gloria Mundi, Subsidiarity, The Wyoming Fires of 2024, Weather, Wyoming, Wyoming Freedom Caucus
Lex Anteinternet: Blog Mirror: Wyoming Meteorologist Says Cutting W...
Lex Anteinternet: Blog Mirror: Wyoming Meteorologist Says Cutting W... : Wyoming Meteorologist Says Cutting Weather Balloon Launches ...