Friday, November 15, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: 2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 2. What's going on? Burgum at the Interior.

Lex Anteinternet: 2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 2. What's going on?

2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 2. What's going on?

November 15, 2024

Doug Burgum, Secretary of the Interior.

This is again an interesting choice.  Only 3.9% of North Dakota is Federal land.  However, users of Federal land in the West might take some cautious optimism out of this as Western politicians, completely contrary to the views of those they serve, have taken on the land grabbing mindset illustrated  by Utah's effort to grab Federal lands in court, which has been sadly supported by Wyoming.

Last edition:

2024 Election Post Mortem, Part I. What the heck happened?

Monday, November 4, 2024

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: St. Hubert

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: St. Hubert: 55 miles south of Buffalo is the mission church of St. Hubert's. Located near Sussex WY, Mass has been celebrated around these parts sin...

I've been so busy I missed St. Hubert's saint day.

St. Hubert is the patron saint of hunters, and I usually note the day. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: Friday Farming. The vehicles that changed the West.

Lex Anteinternet: Friday Farming. The vehicles that changed the West.

Friday Farming. The vehicles that changed the West.

Oh, sure, there were snowplows that went out on the narrow two lane highways, but off the highways?  Well, you better be pretty sure you could get back.

Now, my father only ever owned one 4x4 vehicle, and it was one he bought from me.  But we didn't go up in the high country or into the foothills once winter started.  That was out.  You stuck to areas that were relatively near a county road or that were blown off, and probably down around 5,500 feet or less. Beyond that?  Forget it.

And this was true for ranchers too.  Some men stayed up in the high country, but they stayed there. . . all winter long.  People often fed by horse drawn wagon (and in a few places, still do).

The Dodge Power Wagon changed that.  And it was a creature of the Second World War.
Lex Anteinternet: World War Two U.S. Vehicle Livery: National Museum...

The father of the Dodge Power Wagon, the 1/2 ton truck, a fair number of examples of which can be found in the Rocky Mountain West in spite of the small number produced, was in addition to being too light, too top heavy.
With the Power Wagon, you could now get there in winter.  Maybe not everywhere, but darned near everywhere, even up in the high country.

And that meant you didn't need to keep hired men up in the high country in line shacks all winter.  For that matter, with a trailer, you could easily feed in a fraction of the time it had taken with a wagon.  You probably didn't need hired men for that either, if you had them.

And while it would take awhile, really when NAPCO started converting Fords and Chevys into heavy duty 4x4s, it would also mean that sportsmen could get back there in the winter too.


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