Monday, December 16, 2024

The Agrarian's Lament: The irony.

The Agrarian's Lament: The irony.:  

The irony.

 Same day, same paper.

One ad celebrating agriculture, and one celebrating its destruction.

Lex Anteinternet: Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.

Lex Anteinternet: Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.

Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.

The Spanish confiscation (Desamortización española) law, authorizing the government of Spain to steal the property and lands of the Catholic Church, a popular enlightenment and Reformation despoliation that happened in many places, was repealed. 

The barbarity had been in place since 1766.

Amongst other things, the law resulted in millions of acres of forest falling into private hands, being deforested, with the cost of reforestation exceeding the value of their sales.  The confiscations of the 19th Century were one of the biggest environmental disasters in Iberian history.

The Supreme Court of Hungary confiscated the property of former president Mihály Károlyi for high treason. He had been convicted of negotiating with Italy in 1915 to keep the Italians out of World War One in exchange for Austrian territory, and for allowing a communist revolution to happen in 1919 by deserting his position.

Last edition:


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Blog Mirror: This is why we can't have nice things. This National Crime.


This is why we can't have nice things.


I think, sometimes could be real. The battle for land and people owning that agricultural landscape. The pretty views that we have, the clean water that comes with it, the beautiful tall grass that’s waving in the wind. I mean, they want to buy it because they like that. And then they put a house on every 40 that we used to run cows on.

Montana rancher commenting on a big influx of people into Montana because of the claptrap soap opera, Yellowstone

It's not just Yellowstone, the moronic dipshit Western melodrama that has caused this, by the way.  A River Runs Through It, which is one of my favorite movies, had the same effect, as well as making fly fishing something that locals just did, along with using spinning rods, into some sort of elite yuppie thing in some quarters.

Here's the thing.  A lot of it has a lot to do with the lack of proper land use laws in the US.  Large blocks of land really shouldn't be owned as huge yards for hobbyist or the wealthy, but for agricultural production.  Agricultural land shouldn't be owned by anyone other than those who work it.  People who admire the wilderness, of any type, ought not to be building houses on it.

Blog Mirror: This National Crime


This National Crime

Friday, December 13, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: Friday, December 12, 1924. Soviet Gun Control.

Lex Anteinternet: Friday, December 12, 1924. Soviet Gun Control.

Friday, December 12, 1924. Soviet Gun Control.

The Central Executive Committee of the USSR issued a decree prohibiting the possession of almost all firearms, with the exception of shotguns for hunting, although much hunting in much of Russia, which was fairly common, was in fact done with rifles by necessity.

Following 1933, the penalty for violation was five years imprisonment.  In 1935 knives were added to the list.

During World War Two the ban was expanded with all firearms being required to be turned over to the state, although following the war, the USSR was awash in captured German weapons.  

Presently, rifles may be registered for hunting.

The USSR/Russia we might note, shares this status with Ireland, in being a country whose freedom, if you will, was brought about through the private exercise of arms, that then went around banning them.  In the USSR's case it isn't too surprising, as armed resistance against the Communists continued on into the 1930s in some areas and revived during the Second World War, to continue on until nearly 1950 after the war.

Truly, there's a lesson here.

1931 vintage Soviet hunting travel poster. Russia had a very vibrant hunting culture until the Communists came in.  Knowing that an armed populace would overthrow them sooner or latter, the Communists banned possession of rifles and pistols, which the Czar's government had not.  This poster shows a hunter taking on a grizzly bear with a double barreled shotgun, which might well end up in a bad result for the hunter.  Based upon the travels of a fellow I once knew who had hunted in the late stage USSR, later on you could hunt with a rifle, but it was a crappy rifle that belonged to the government you had to check out.  Interestingly, shotguns remain the one firearm produced in Russia which are somewhat good, although they are peculiar.

The first issue of the weekly Saudi Arabian newspaper Umm Al-Qura, the official newspaper of the Saudi government, was published

Lex Anteinternet: Blog Mirror: Wyoming Meteorologist Says Cutting W...

Lex Anteinternet: Blog Mirror: Wyoming Meteorologist Says Cutting W... :   Wyoming Meteorologist Says Cutting Weather Balloon Launches ...