Sunday, January 22, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Year of

Lex Anteinternet: Year of

Year of

Leporidae.  They include sixty different species in more than one genus, all having a very similiar appearance.

Historically, an important food animal around the globe, Wyoming has six different species of hares and rabbits.  Of the rabbits, we have two species of Sylvilagus, the audobonii and the floridanus, which are the Dester Cottontail and the Eastern Cottontail respectively.  

Desert Cottontails hang out constantly in my yard.


We also have another rabbit species, the Brachylagus idahoensis, which is the Pygmy rabbit. They're little guys.

And we have three species of hares, the Lepus californicus, the Lepus townsendii and the Lepus americanus, or the Black-tailed jackrabbit, the White-tailed jackrabbit and the Snowshoe hare. They're all big guys.

Cottontail rabbits are delicious, in my experience.  Fried Cottontail is great.  Snowshoe hares are likewise tasty, but tougher.  I have no experience with the others, but lots with these.

And the seasons are still open.

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