Monday, April 8, 2024

No excuse.

 I have nothing against wolf hunting, but there's no excuse for behavior like thiss.

Photo Shows Wyoming Man With Tormented Wolf Before It Was Killed

Rod Miller of the Cowboy State Daily wrote an op-ed about it:

Rod Miller: Of Wolves and Assholes

In it, he stated the following:

Any cowboy, hunter or serious outdoorsman with a modicum of ethics and respect for creation should be just as pissed off. Roberts’ malicious stupidity will give political ammunition to those outside our borders who are convinced that they can manage the Cowboy State better than we can.

I think that, in Roberts’ case, there is a disconnect between the laws we have on our books and the ethics we have in our hearts. And maybe its not possible for our code of laws to adequately express our code of ethics. 

That should in no manner diminish the impetus to live an ethical life with respect to our neighbors and our surroundings, particularly in a place as unique and sparsely peopled as Wyoming. Morality shouldn’t always need to be written down to be lived.

Roberts would do himself and his state a great service if he humbled himself and publicly apologized to he fellow Wyomingites for his very public display of a lack of ethics. That would mean a helluva lot more than the two-hundred and fifty bucks from his wallet.

And maybe this situation warrants us adding another article to our official Wyoming Code of Conduct, alternatively called the Code of the West. Since some folks need to be reminded from time to time, we can amend our Code to include one final item. It could read something like:

#11 – Don’t be an asshole.

I agree.

Roberts would really do the state a favor if he just left it, permanently. 

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